
Tuesday, December 26, 2023

I sat there in front of you 

I thought of everything that had ever broken me

I thought of everything that ever shattered my heart

In that moment when I looked at you 

I thought of how I used to think 

I should tell you all of that someday

In that moment though I just exhaled

I spoke nothing on any of it...

Because all of it made sense now

Because none of it make sense now 


Monday, December 18, 2023

कितना सकून था उन मुलाकातों में

जहा लब्जो से जयादा आँखें बोलती थी।

हम थे और वक्त था। हर चीज जैसे हमारे लिए ही  थी !

ना साथ का छूटना ना दूर होने का डर।

ना वक्त का तकाज़ा ना किसी बात की चिंता  !

दुनिया सारी  एक तरफ। वो मुलाकात एक तरफ।

जरा जरा सी बात पर। घंटो बातें करना।

और जब चुप होना। तो इतना परेशां होना  !

खुश होने का मतलब समझना आसान था .. ।

और जब मुलाकात खत्म होती।

अगली के इंतज़ार मैं और पिछली की याद में !

यादें बनती गई !


Thursday, December 14, 2023

I looked for you in the places to see if you were there
I pretended that I'd find you so I didn't have to care
How you always wanted to know everything I no longer share

I wandered for hours around the memories in my mind
I remembered all the good times when you and I were so kind
How you always gave me strength when I needed to unwind

I wrote you in my poetry and the words that I choose
I found you in the songs that always got me to muse 
How you always used to complete me even when I was in blues


Friday, December 1, 2023

 In the blink of an eye another day is gone

 In the blink of an eye another week is gone

 In the blink of an eye another month is gone

 In the blink of an eye another year is gone

And  in the blink of an eye I will be gone too

And not just me but also may be you..

Wondering.. why do I stand here ... wishin and hopin 

Its so hard to keep these eyes open

To see and appreciate all that I can see

And learn how we can be... the best that we can be?

I know ..its too late

Time flies and does not wait 

Weather we have just one life or many, one thing is true

There are many secrets left to be shared and stories to come through …


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

When you find someone, who is true to their own soul, who has taken all the time, to find out their own pains, to heals themselves and created the strength to get out of it.. ❤️ They are able to commit to you.

They need to be true to their ESSENCE. 

And that takes wisdom, soul searching, falling down and standing up. When you have seen both the darkest and the lightest places, you are able to ‘see’ your reflection in someone else, that connects the soul.

When the souls connect they can be in a room with anyone else or can travel the world without them,  they can have thousands of friends but the energy cord remains connected from the heart.

A Soul-to-Soul Love Relationship is an opportunity for two people to “Heal the Emotional Wounds”of the past. 

But the deeper work is carried when two souls seeing the issues that trigger each other as a GIFT. When you recognize the soul the gift that they bring is not only love but also a mirror to face yourself. 

And this is the greatest test … 

weather you will face the darkness within and run and hide, or stay and confront your fears and surrender .. if love exist, circumstances is an excuse. 

Love can’t wait to give what is true and honorable. 

Love mends. Love is effort. 


Saturday, November 4, 2023

 बातों से निकलती हैं बातें 

इसीलिए ज़रूरी होती है बातें 

फूलों सी महकती 

हवा सी हलकी बातें 

मिटटी की खुशबु सी 

बारिश के जैसी बाते !!

बातें जो निकली अगर 

दूर तक जाती हैं 

दूर चली जाएं जितना 

यादें बन कर छोड़ जाती हैं बातें  !!

दूर चली गयी बातें 

वापस नहीं आ पाती हैं 

रह जाती हैं जो मन मैं 

आंसू या मुसकान 

बन कर ही बहार आती हैं !!

इसलिए कभी सुन लेना मेरी  

कभी कह लेना अपनी  

जैसी भी हो बातें 

कीमती होती हैं बातें !!


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

हो एक जहांन ऐसा जहां,

मन में कोई उलझन न हो,

न शोर हो न हो हलचल कोई,

लोगों का जहां कोई जोर न हो,

कुछ सितारे हो, हो इक चांद जहां,

जहां रूठने ,बिछड़ने का दस्तूर न हो,

हो थोड़ी सी चांदनी बस जहां,

जहां दिल की बातों से बड़ी कोई बात न हो .!


Sunday, October 29, 2023

किसी के लिए जीवन जादू है 

किसी के लिए अजूबा है 

रात चाहे जैसी भी हो 

चाँद ख़ामोशी में डूबा है  

इंतज़ार चाहे जितना लम्बा हो 

वो पलआएगा ही जो तुमने सोचा है

समय चाहे जैसी भी हो 

सबको भाग्य ने बदला है  

क़िस्मत चाहे जैसी भी हो 

अपनी दोस्ती पे मुझे  हमेशा नाज़ है 

Melted wax

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

No control on destiny so sometimes just chill…

Go with the flow or sometimes stand still !

It’s okay to fall it’s okay to fail but learn…

There might be a reason for every heartburn !

Sometimes people make efforts to stay sometimes walk away …

Sometimes our fault sometimes circumstances play !

Can’t live by letting go of what’s gone ..

Can’t block memories by blocking on phone !

Love is bigger than setbacks…

Light is important than melted wax!


Sunday, October 22, 2023

I dream of a perceived reality,

Standing on the edge of an abyss,

Waiting, hoping, and dreaming,

But only for the energy of true love's kiss.

Happiness will enter,

And happiness leaves, 

Life is a journey,

But wears the heart on its sleeves

We must have met here for some reasons,

To call back all our pieces and to learn lessons,

Separation could be just an illusion

But deadly enough to stir a confusion. 


Saturday, October 21, 2023

बेपनाह चाहना क्या है ?

इतना की वो सोच भी न सके,

इतना कि तुमने भी कभी सोचा न हो,

इतनी खुशियां जो आँखों मैं झलके ,

इतना क़ीमती की जैसे उस लम्हे को रोक ले ज़िन्दगी भर के लिए 

इतना कि कभी कभी गुरूर हो,

इतनी शिद्दत की हमारी दोस्ती कभी मजबूर न हो ,

इतना की कोई उतर नहीं सकता गहराईयों में इस तरह ,

इतना कि मेरी हर बात का एहसास हो तुझे किस तरह ,

इतना कि वो तुमसे कुछ छिपा न सके,

इतना कि मैं कुछ छिपा न सकूं 

इतना कि वो जब तक रहे खुद में महसुस करें,

इतना कि जब वो अलग हो ज़िदगी भर याद करें !!!

Shiva Shakti

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The divine power of Shiva-Shakti corresponds to two essential aspects of the One:
the masculine and the feminine. 

In the universe, we have matter and consciousness:
Shakti and Shiva. 

SHIVA symbolises consciousness, the masculine principle.
SHAKTI symbolises the feminine principle, the activating power and energy.

When Shiva’s beloved Sati immolated herself, Shiva in grief turned inward and meditated for thousands of years. Completely absorbed in his head, he did not contribute to the cycle of change. The world was stuck. With no dissolution or end, there was no beginning.

Without Shiva bringing everything to a state of dissolution, Brahma could not create—ideas could not be born, creativity and imagination were blocked. Brahma went to the great feminine force, Shakti, for help. Shakti told Brahma she would be born in a human female form to bring Shiva back into the world

The mind-body-spirit connection:

Shiva represents thoughts that originates at sahasrara, and with thought, “we can create, destroy, learn, and grow.” Shiva is an all-pervading essence; an ultimate form of consciousness that is both the creator and destroyer.

Shakti represent willpower (इच्छाशक्ति), Knowledge Power (ज्ञानशक्ति) and Action Power (क्रियाशक्ति) which is responsible for creating a balance.

Like our ever-changing thoughts, Shiva comes in many forms. Just as our thoughts are both creative and destructive. Thoughts in different forms are single petals on the ever-blooming lotus. They help us to understand our true nature as part of a single consciousness. 

Shiva has no capability to do anything until Shakti gets united with Shiva

When we recognize (Shiva and Shakti within us) Mind-body-spirit is one. 


Sunday, October 15, 2023


There is a clear distinction between power and control. We can have the power of internal control but we have no external control over other people or situations. 

Every soul has its own unique path. No matter what!

Soul has a path and we possess the internal power to control it but we need to surrender to the illusion that we can externally control another soul.

From time to time the ego will rise up and demand the things to be done in a certain way. Then its time to surrender again...

Willing to accept that things were supposed to happen the way they did or not we can understand why! 

We can ache all what we want over the intricate details, fighting against the devastation it caused but battling with reality is always a loosing game.

The hope and wish is the mere attachment to how things should have happened which causes disappointments.

Surrender is to accept what is right now! 

Soul Needs

Saturday, October 7, 2023


A shared understanding, a spiritual wealth.
A common attraction, an ego death.
A sense of purpose, a profound lesson.
A desire for growth, a journey in true essence.

A Spiritual power as a divine gift.
A true understanding with no space to rift.
A connection to something bigger than the self.
A bond so deep so pure that thrives with no help.

A love that uplifts, a love that can shift.
A love that brings peace, joy, and bliss.
A love that is eternal, a love that persists.
A love that transcends,a love that has no ends.

My spirit

Its true we’ve been through some hard stuff

Testing not just the connection but us

The pain that feels like ripping the heart.

The times when life tore us apart

Those are the times, when it was tough to see 

If the dust clears and If I see you beside me,

That I will once again be reminded of so much,

About myself, about you..and maybe about us.

My heart has failed to discern,

But I’m grateful that you’re my person,

Who both calms me and stirs my spirit,

For in your arms, I am always home.


Thursday, August 24, 2023


I hope you are doing well

Since we don't meet halfway on the only open road we had 

All I do is to wait for you to show up and not be mad

I wish I knew the reason why we stopped the communication

But seems like you don't care about my mind going in different direction 

Just remember I will always hold onto your love forever

And you will find me if you look for me a little harder

There is a pain that comes from the hole in my soul with you being gone

Its unexplainable, undeniable and so hard to be shown 

You have taught me to not feel lost, loose grip or go down

So keep me in your heart even when I am not around

Each and every moment with you is a story and a message 

You remember, how we came out stronger after the damage ?

Love and Light 


Sunday, August 20, 2023

Maybe we should have made more memories

Maybe we could have asked the time to freeze 

Maybe we should have savored the time we shared 

Maybe we could have also shown how much we cared 

Maybe we should have understood each other better in every way 

Maybe we could have said things that we were afraid to say 

Maybe we should have had more conversations 

Maybe we could have talked about our frustrations

"Maybe" is an illusion that never happened because of limitations 

After all "Maybe" is just a maybe… just a temptation. 


Saturday, August 19, 2023

One day when you cant find me near

say my name to call me here 

I will try my best to calm your dismay 

Moving mountains from our way 

One day when I am a glowing star

do not think of me as far 

I will seek joy with you in every day 

Wanting to be with you all the way 

One day when the time is gone

do not think of yourself as alone

I will wish for another life with you to slay 

Loving you will be same, just like today 


A soul can be tired but still wait  

A mind can be dark but still dream

A heart can be broken but still be in love

A body can be in pain but still fight 

A life can have wounds but still be beautiful

A friendship can be unexpected but still be the best 

A faith can be a battle but still be the answer 

A hope can be a struggle but still be the best choice

A love can be a heartache but still be the shelter 


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

As july wrapped up and the year got older

Autumn days will shorten and grow colder

The leaves will shake from the trees and colors will get bolder

Life perhaps will go on...

Fall will then lead the year towards the ending

Quieter days, dark evenings and warm sweater things  

Christmas will come and then the snow that winter brings

Life perhaps will go on ..

Winter will pass and days will lengthen into a brand new year

The ice will melt in the pasture pond and spring will be here 

Sights, sounds and smell will change but not the story, my dear

Life perhaps will go on...


Monday, August 7, 2023

Time is neither a friend nor the foe

It does not wait for anywho

Moving so slowly while I wait and shed a tear

It swiftly took over my heart with hope and fear

Thinking of how short it felt when it was all fun

It seems so long now in the absence of my favorite one

Love keeps the circle of time - going and flowing

Things that matter in life - it sure has a way of showing.

Big Little Things

Thursday, August 3, 2023

 I want to be ...

The first thought of the day

The last memory of the night

The depth in the gaze

The touch that stays

The flutter of the heart

The meeting after staying apart

The long drive on unknown road

The short walk on the known path

The random call to talk about season

The pure laugh for no reason

The electrifying kiss that has a story of its own

The memory of favorite cologne 

The healing hug that lasts awhile 

The dream that brings the smile

The everything you need

The everything we got !! 


Thursday, July 27, 2023

All our hugs were special 
one of a kind 
I felt you as my friend and my home 
all at the same time

Sometimes quick and sometimes embarrassed.
Sometimes tight and sometimes close.
Full and comforting
Standing on my tippy toes

I’m not sure what you gave me.
Those hugs were a gift 
Wrapped in your heartbeats 
For me forever to keep 


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Happy personality and sad soul

Bold for everyone, shy with you 

Heartless in all feels, loving you hard

Solitude Being, craving you much

Hurting in hell, working to heal 

Open to change, loyal to you

Dedicated to growth, self sabotage too well

Looking for peace, okay with chaos

Letting go of everything, clinging onto you

In search of balance, Holding you forever !!


Saturday, July 22, 2023

Its not your fault I take you seriously 

Its not your fault I believe every word you say 

Its not your fault I am this way.

Its not my fault I liked my glow 

Its not my fault that I wanted to be the flow

Its not my fault, now I don't know where I am going to go

We just ended up in a delicate situation 

Coz we were just recognising our soul connection.

It cant be just life teaching a lesson

Love is nothing but sharing life with your person !


Thursday, July 20, 2023

I wonder about you every day 

Never see you coming my way 

But leaving you behind

Is something I can't begin to find

So I think about you all the time

And I wonder if you think of me that ways

Unexplained, unrelenting game my mind plays

All the smiles , stories and our inside jokes

So I wonder if you remember the last words we spoke.

I don't know what to call it 

The thing inside, the fire within

That desire to find myself again where it all begin

I ll hold on to it for rest of my days 

Going through this life in most interesting ways 


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

 जब भी शब्दों को लिखती हु मैं 

यूँ लगता है जैसे तुम सामने हो मेरे 

हर एक शब्द के मायने 

तुम तक सिमित हो गए हो जैसे 

फिर जब भी उन शब्दों को पढ़ती हूँ  मैं 

यूँ लगता है जैसे सब कुछ केह दिया हो मैंने 

हर एक शब्द में 

कोई कहानी बसी हो जैसे 

जब भी सोचती हूँ उन शब्दों मे क्या है 

यूँ लगता है जैसे ख़ास सी उलझने  है मेरी 

हर एक शब्द ने 

सुलझा रखा हो सबकुछ जैसे 

Everytime when !

Friday, July 14, 2023

When there is no us in love

When there is no friend in pain 

When there is no laughter in tears

When there is no depth in words

When my heart cries while beating

When all that remains is breathing

When time just goes by in waiting

When all I do is searching

When all the thoughts lead only to you 

When the journey is this alone

When its hard to come to terms 

I miss us!


Friday, July 7, 2023

When you wake up tomorrow
And my thoughts take your somewhere far away 
Know that I think of you too 
In every possible way

The bond we shared was real
And all that was in your heart
Know that I see the way we struggle
I know how hard is to stay apart 

I wish that we can be close
And ease the pain we feel
Know that I have so much to talk to you 
I pray that we heal


Thursday, July 6, 2023

 I had a rosebush in my yard

Poor thing was falling apart 

I felt sad looking at its state

Uprooting it could have been its only fate

It was a part of my life and I let it be

Life got me in stride and I could not see

It may have been waiting for me to set it free 

It was just a matter of time and all my fault maybe

One day I went to check on it for some reason

It was gone just like it was suppose to happen 

Dead and lifeless, unbothered and unloved

It crumbled and withered, without a sound, into the mud 

I didn't cry for letting it go that night  

I think it deserved a better life, right ?

I cry for all the memories we made 

All the "forevers" and "I am here for you" we shared

Unfinished Business

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

There is no beauty in unfinished things

A story , relationship or any cravings

They bring a feeling of dissatisfaction

A lull, a disappointment or even depression

Multiple versions of ending exists

With a long list of all "What ifs"

Tons of things to blame upon 

Communication, timing, situation and so on 

Heart keeps questioning and looking for answers 

Settling, accepting and closing must have some powers 

Why complicate when we can keep it simple stupid

Not everyone is ready for all the bullshit


Secret Wish

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Secretly wishing you wake me up one day 

and I ll forget the pain

I ll look into your eyes and things will be same

Secretly wishing you ll make me laugh one day 

and my tears go away

I ll vibe with your mood and hearts will play 

Secretly wishing you will ask me out one day 

and I ll dress my best 

I ll look pretty and your eyes can do the rest 

Secretly wishing you hug me one day 

and all my doubts will melt 

I ll promise to hold your heart and you ll remember how it felt


Thursday, June 22, 2023

I will always wonder 

Every time I look at moon 

Were we destined to meet ?

or was it just sweet luck ?

how our memories have left me awestruck !

I will always wonder

Every time I look at moon 

Were we just temporary ?

or was it suppose to last ?

how our  promises have my heart beat so fast !

I will always wonder

Every time I look at moon 

how much have we changed ?

or was it time to loose the grip now ? 

how fondly I keep thinking of you somehow !

I will always wonder

Every time I look at moon 

Will I be able to tell you ever how my day went ?

Or Is there something you wish I knew ?

how patiently I believe I am very close to you ...

I will always wonder

Every time I look at moon

Does love make you empty ?

Or it can make you whole?

How blissful is this feeling that are part of my soul....


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

I just wanted you to know 

That I ll never care

How far you push me away

Because when I told you 

That I would stay 

I meant it in every way 

 I just wanted you to know 

We are lost 

We are damaged 

But I hope, we hold on to a fond illusion 

Till our belief harmonize 

And we alleviate this pain

I just wanted you to know 

In all my brokenness

I will always look for you 

Cherishing those memories 

To feel you with me too.


Thursday, June 15, 2023

दुनिया बदल जाती है किसी ऐसे पल के बाद 

वो छोटी सी बात दे जाती है ज़िंदगी भर की याद 

जो वक़्त गुज़र गया जैसे एक ख्वाब था 

साथ एक पल का था मगर लाजवाब था 

भूलने की उन पलो की कोशिश रहेगी नकामायब

सोचना ये है के की जीना है किस उम्मीद के साथ 

सूखते नहीं है हंजू , बस सोचती हु की सभ्र कहाँ से लाऊँ 

हलचल होती है जैसे, लगता है कहीं दूर भाग जाऊ 


Monday, June 12, 2023

Sometimes against all odds and all logic, I hope.

I hope that it is going to be okay.

I will get my smile back and all sorrows will melt away 

Thinking about what I was brings me joy.

I was love, I was laughter and I was born to fly

Grateful for that feeling of home, longing and craving, every single day.

The life unfolds in its own ways 

No control when destiny plays

Walking through peaks and valleys

I am certain, you will find me from far far away 

My love and devotion will never change even if the world falls apart 

Its pure and clean and you must know

Even though I may nor show

Sometimes against all odds and all logic, I know 

I know, it is all going to be okay.



Wednesday, May 31, 2023

From the love and care to lesson and despair.

Was it a dream or was it another lifetime, she was unaware

While the eyes were heaven and aura was the shelter

Living those memories are enough to melt her !

Searching for herself in every moon and every sunshine

Journey to meet her soul again will lead her to the Divine

Boundlessly grateful and eternally blissed for setting her soul free

Trusting every moment with her open heart as it was meant to be! 


Friday, May 26, 2023

क्या  तुम मुझे याद करोगे जब जब चाँद को देखोगे
क्या तुम मुझे याद करोगे जब राधा कृष्ण को सोचोगे 

क्या तुम मुझे याद करोगे किसी गहरी सी बात पर 
क्या तुम मुझे याद करोगे और कभी मुस्काओगे ?

क्या तुम मुझे याद करोगे और सोचोगे काश मैं होती 
या तुम मुझे याद करोगे और कहीं दूर निकल जाओगे ?

क्या तुम मुझे  याद करोगे गर सिमरन दिख जाएगी 
या तुम मुझे याद करोगे और खुद को समझाओगे ?

क्या तुम मुझको याद करोगे जब वो गीत गाओगे 
या तुम मुझे याद करोगे और बस पछताओगे ?

क्या तुम मुझको याद करोगे मेरी कोई भी बात को 
या तुम मुझको याद करना ही भूल जाओगे ?

याद रखना हर उस पल को मैंने सवारें रखा है 
तुमसे मिलना मेरे जीवन का सबसे सुन्दर हिस्सा है 

याद करती हु हर पल तुम्हे प्रेम भरे विश्वास से 
यहि मेरा सबक था की मैं काबिल हु इस भाव के !!!


Show me the light, you promised to me

Punish me for the crime, if I committed any 

Reckon with me all the smiles with the sorrows

Even though you may be a stranger now

Justice is what my soul needs to heal

My thousand words that I say out loud

Do they make a way to you ?

One wish that I have in my heart 

Will you make it true for me ?

Tell me what I mean to you even if its not what it used to be.


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

I stay  up late some nights 
and play a game
I should not play 

I think of things 
decipher them all 
from truth to lies

Some nights they all seem lies 
And I sleep with anger ..

Some nights they all seem truth 
And I sleep with hope

Some nights I feel the strongest bond  
since it made me cry

Some night I feel the weakest bond
cause it left me to cry

Its the game I should not play
cause I cannot win.


Friday, April 21, 2023

For how long it will hurt

For how long to save myself

The pain is like day one

I wish I could love myself the way I love  

What should I do

It hurts so much 

When will I feel life

I cant handle so much 

What did I do 

What should be done

I am so lost 

What should I accept 

What do I need

I need to understand

When will there be peace

When will I breathe

I am not so strong 


Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The days when trauma is louder than love

.......AND when tears are more than peace

The days when absence is heavier than hope

.......AND when distance is larger  than efforts 

The days when hurt is bigger than life

.......AND when silence is stronger than care

The days when journey is longer than company 

.......AND when yearning is bulkier than comfort





Those are the days...when I need you the most.

Ask anything

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Que: ..........................?

Ans: Choose your pick


Unthinkable happens 

We take what we get 

No one rescues you

Change is uncomfortable

Extraordinary stories have ordinary people

Want is a want, need is a need.

Failure is real

To each their own

There is always a price

How long can you be strong?

Love changes forms

Time will tell.



Zindagi hai ek

Friday, April 14, 2023

Zindagi hai ek.. zaya na kar

In udasiyon main waqt bitaya na kar...

mauka jab bhi mile,  muskuraya kar 

kismat se milti hai chahat use azmaya na kar

baat choti ho ya badi, suljhaya kar

koshish kiye ja  himmat yu hara na kar

pyar ke sahare chal nafrat bhool jaya kar 

waqt hi to hai nikal jayega, bas bharosa kar 

Zindagi hai ek, zaya na kar.

Take action - An inch of movement will bring you closer to your goals than a mile of intention.


Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Learning about life in the ways I didn't ask 

Wish we were all real and not hide behind a mask 

How could I know it all and still be so confused

Walking an unknown path leaves me all unamused

Silence takes over, even though I have a lot to say

Tired of this burden with each passing day 

Constantly wondering the pain and its reason

Broken enough to accept any decision

Life can never stay the same, no matter how hard we try

Time is a thief and it will run by.

Ek din!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Aansoo khushi ke ho ya ho gam ke, 

Aankho se to khud ki hi girte hain 

Jab khud ko hi sambhalna hota hai har baar,

To log jane kyun milte hain ?

Mana ki zindagi ka tareeka hai ye, 

Aur din sabke kabhi na kabhi badalte hain

Kya bas ek kitaab main doob kar,

Is umr ke sare din guzar sakte hain ?

Jo hona tha wo ho hi gaya,

Aur dil sabke abhi bhi sache hain...

Chahe kitna bhi soch le ham, 

Kismat ke hath hi sare patte hain 

Waqt hi hai jo samjhata hai sab kuch, 

Lekin bas tajurbe lagte hain ...

ek din aisa aayega shayad, jab kahenge ham,  ki ham zindagi ko khoob samajhte hain !! 


Friday, March 31, 2023

What is ego ? - Self esteem or Self importance ?

Ego is "I" is the only way how I distinguish myself from anyone else. 

In this Ego cycle...I wonder.

Is it that important that you are okay with losing yourself against someone else?

When do you decide to give up your ego?

Where do you get the courage to kill the ego for love and to be loved?

What makes you okay to be killed by ego and stay in illusion and pain?

How long will it take to come to realisation? 

Ego is only for physical body and is not the language for souls.

When you are a part of same soul, ego is non-existent, it dissolves, it disappears. 

To experience the soul connection, it is necessary to shed the damn ego and embrace the unconditional love.(I wish..)

In this life or another...

Thursday, March 30, 2023

I hope after all this time, in this life or another..

when our eyes meet 

you still remember when it all started..

I hope after all this time, in this life or another..

when you see me

we forget why we parted ..

I hope after all this time, in this life or another..

when we breath the same air

the world stops running like always 

I hope after all this time, in this life or another..

when you feel my hug 

all our hurt is healed 

I hope after all this time, in this life or another..

when our paths cross again

we can still love each other 💔

Let go !

Friday, March 24, 2023

Its hard to let go because

- it really hurts

- you cared 

- it is scary 

- because you thought you ll never have to 

- because you created a story with a different ending

- because your reality feels incomplete

- it mattered

- it feels unfair

- you miss the version of yourself that you were

- it was left unfinished

- you have things left unsaid

- it felt like home

B U T ...

Sometimes you have to let go..

let go of the people..

let go of the places..

let go of all the memories..

let go of all the broken things..

let go of all what you used to be ...

let go of pain...

let go of suffering ...

let go so that you can save yourself 

let go of everything so that you can be what you are meant to be..

At the end of the day

Monday, March 6, 2023

The right person will know how to hold your love.

The right person will not leave you when its rough.

You will not have to quiet the way you care.

You will never feel like you dont want to share.

You will never feel sorry for loving too much.

You will never doubt the intentions and such.

One day you will be found and met

One day all the confusions will shut.

One day all the fights will have a deeper meaning.

One day you will be someone's favorite thing.

The right people will always stay 

The wrong people do not matter any way.


Friday, March 3, 2023

My soul was stirred and heart was touched.

The gift of love that I may have deserved.

You shook my existence and took me along

But, in your heart, I will always belong.

Nostalgia of all the happiness, good times and laughter

Will never be shadowed by this distress and disaster

I so miss sharing with you my deepest fear and every pain

But, your scent... however has always kept me sane.

Pondering on every single reason, why I fell apart 

Loosing grip on life, holding my wounded  heart.

Even though, every single hope scares me to death 

But, I still cherish the day our eyes met.

Is time really the healer?

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Time can give you only time and nothing else.

It will give you time to get used to of the new conditions.

It will give you time to build more memories over the past painful memories so that you can have some courage to not be stuck in the past.

It will give you time to process, analyse and reason with yourself about your situation and that can bring you peace.

It will give you time for circumstances to change.

It will give you time for mindsets to change.

It will give you time to forgive yourself and forgive others.

It will give you time to make necessary changes.

It will give you time start again but with experiences.

It will give you time to be prepared for the future.

It will give you time to explore and feel the fresh air.

With the special gift of time, healing is inevitable.

But how quickly you want to be healed will depend on what you do with time. Maybe in reality, you'll grieve forever or not get over the loss of a bond. But, you ll heal and you ll rebuild yourself may be as a different person with a hole in it.

Seniority of Emotions

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The truth is that we will never be able to experience other person's emotions irrespective of any amount of love, connection, understanding or communication, especially in a conflicting situation. There is always a  difference between what is being told vs what is being heard or understood (Thanks to our mind, heart, circumstances or energy around us)

Any conflicting situation will ask for your actions and reactions. As a human, this reaction is for yourself & to yourself, with the intention to protect your own self. 

The first and foremost is to make them aware of your emotional state but IRL we will always place our emotions over others.

To prevent being in a reactive situation, Curb your expectations.

A lot of arguments in relationships stem from one person’s expectations of the other. As long as you put high expectations on another person, you are bound to be disappointed. Remember that the other person cannot, cannot protect your energy over theirs.

They do not know what you expect from them. Even if they did, they have no obligation to obey your commands. You only have control over yourself, not other people. So while it is okay to have high expectations of yourself, doing it for things out of your control is only going to lead to disappointment. In that moment you feel seniority of emotions going away. It can happen because - 

1. Blame - You blame them for not reading your mind.

2. Submission - You submit to their approach which does not align with yours.

3. Lack of Confidence - You have no confidence to challenge their reaction.

In all the above scenarios, you feel the your seniority of emotions going away leading to disappointment if it happens after 

To remedy a reactive situation, Do not let it affect you.

When you know the reason of loosing seniority of your emotions, it becomes much easier to close the loop and get peace. It helps you decide what to go after and if its worth it. It helps you decide the boundary for yourself and work on yourself rather than expecting the other person to "fix" or "change" It helps you to take the control and move on with a conscious path.

In the end, everyone is going through things so forgive even without getting an apology. 


Emotional Attachment

When we are attached to someone or something, we have the fear of losing the person or the relation, and we think that it will not last forever.

Some of our attachments can be good for us but some can affect us mentally.

Any emotional attachment will start as fondness and belief in the happiness that it brings. 

But, if we are careless, some emotional attachments can control our lives, altering the way we think and act. 

Decisions help us to think clearly and make good choices for not allowing our emotions to rule our lives.

You can do this by observing yourself, accepting change, lowering expectations and with self correcting behavior.

But associating the idea of happiness with another person can lead to an illusion which is surrounded by expectations and that it will last forever.

The harsh truth in the fact that nothing lasts forever and there are circumstances which are not always in your control can help us to be more realistic and more appreciative of the present.

But above all these fleeting and temporary relations and bonds, life brings you those anchors in life without them life is unimaginable. 

Hold them tight and make them your forever. 💔

"Pata hai, yahan se bahut door, galat aur sahi ke paar, ek maidan hai, main vahaan milunga tujhe."
- Rockstar (2011)