Seniority of Emotions

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The truth is that we will never be able to experience other person's emotions irrespective of any amount of love, connection, understanding or communication, especially in a conflicting situation. There is always a  difference between what is being told vs what is being heard or understood (Thanks to our mind, heart, circumstances or energy around us)

Any conflicting situation will ask for your actions and reactions. As a human, this reaction is for yourself & to yourself, with the intention to protect your own self. 

The first and foremost is to make them aware of your emotional state but IRL we will always place our emotions over others.

To prevent being in a reactive situation, Curb your expectations.

A lot of arguments in relationships stem from one person’s expectations of the other. As long as you put high expectations on another person, you are bound to be disappointed. Remember that the other person cannot, cannot protect your energy over theirs.

They do not know what you expect from them. Even if they did, they have no obligation to obey your commands. You only have control over yourself, not other people. So while it is okay to have high expectations of yourself, doing it for things out of your control is only going to lead to disappointment. In that moment you feel seniority of emotions going away. It can happen because - 

1. Blame - You blame them for not reading your mind.

2. Submission - You submit to their approach which does not align with yours.

3. Lack of Confidence - You have no confidence to challenge their reaction.

In all the above scenarios, you feel the your seniority of emotions going away leading to disappointment if it happens after 

To remedy a reactive situation, Do not let it affect you.

When you know the reason of loosing seniority of your emotions, it becomes much easier to close the loop and get peace. It helps you decide what to go after and if its worth it. It helps you decide the boundary for yourself and work on yourself rather than expecting the other person to "fix" or "change" It helps you to take the control and move on with a conscious path.

In the end, everyone is going through things so forgive even without getting an apology. 


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