
Thursday, July 6, 2023

 I had a rosebush in my yard

Poor thing was falling apart 

I felt sad looking at its state

Uprooting it could have been its only fate

It was a part of my life and I let it be

Life got me in stride and I could not see

It may have been waiting for me to set it free 

It was just a matter of time and all my fault maybe

One day I went to check on it for some reason

It was gone just like it was suppose to happen 

Dead and lifeless, unbothered and unloved

It crumbled and withered, without a sound, into the mud 

I didn't cry for letting it go that night  

I think it deserved a better life, right ?

I cry for all the memories we made 

All the "forevers" and "I am here for you" we shared


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