
Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Until you tell me who you are 

Until I tell you who I am 

Until we can be honest  

Until we discuss our demons

Until we say what we truly want 

Until we recognize what we lack

Until we stop being afraid of where we are 

Until we break it open

Until we accept the flaws

Until the lesson is learnt

Until it all makes sense...💔💔💔💔💔

True intimacy is possible through vulnerability, which means being honest about who I am. Nobody likes to get influenced by someone else's opinions & behaviour. But a sensitive and open heart can feel through the facade & those empty things don’t interest an open heart. We look for truth in others. Authenticity & vulnerability can be wildly sexy because they are acts of openly offering ourselves In truth. If I honour & share my Real, you feel comfortable to honour & share your Real. The purpose of a connection is nothing but to share the completeness and incompleteness. 


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