The Other Side !

Sunday, February 18, 2024

For a long time I thought ...

Strength meant pretending to be fine

Never let them know how the “real” feels

Filter every line

To show just the parts of ourselves that are pleasing to the eyes

Suffer in silence

Never air your dirty laundry

Do not show the vulnerability 

Never show your hurt 

Don’t share your pain

Careful lies

Happy pretences

Controlled silences 

Leading to ...

Swallowing up your whole self

Avoiding the hard truths

Lack of courage


We finally learn to show up for ourselves

Be the people that we want to be 

Instead of a version of ourselves, that the world wants to see

So ...

we break the sacred silences

Until none of the pretty façades remain 

And that is when we'll find ourselves

On the other side of pain


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