Not so simple !

Monday, February 12, 2024

Love isn't a conscious choice; it's a feeling that arises from the depths of our being. Your soul selects who you love, and your heart confirms it.

Despite our desire for control, love operates beyond our rational decisions.

It's a force that transcends logic, guided by the innate wisdom of our souls. In the matters of love, our hearts and souls align, recognizing what is genuine and true. We may try to resist or deny it, but ultimately, love reveals itself as an undeniable reality, reminding us of the profound mysteries of the human experience.

Love isn't planned. It's stumbling upon someone, feeling an instant connection, and sharing a friendship that goes beyond understanding. The most beautiful love is the one you never saw coming a delightful surprise gifted by fate. It's not about crossing fingers and hoping; it's about those magical moments where two hearts click effortlessly.

Unexpected, raw, and beautifully unplanned, true love is a journey that starts with an instant connection and grows into something way beyond what words can capture. Embrace the unexpected, for it often leads to the most profound and fulfilling life.

And maybe it will teach you something that you didn’t know you were suppose to learn. 


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