Highest Self

Friday, December 27, 2024

Truer Love is a divine frequency understood by open hearts only that speaks in silence—Soul to Soul and Spirit to Spirit—a pure connection that transcends words. When two souls call to each other, the Universe hears their whispers and moves mountains to unite them.

This love is no accident; it is a sacred bond guided by destiny. An awakened woman draws an evolved man, their souls recognizing each other long before they meet. Together, they inspire growth, authenticity, and the courage to live fully in truth.

Divine Femine is a warrior of the heart, seeks a spiritual companion who has done the inner work to face his shadows and embrace his light. Only then can her soul recognize his. She will not settle for illusions but honors love that is soaked in truthful understanding. True love gives, heals, and endures. It rises above the ego, thriving in reality of grace, and truth. 

Divine Masculine protects and cherishes the woman he loves, brings her safety and courage. He creates space for her to fully express herself, honoring her as a reflection of the Divine.

When two souls unite in this way, their love transforms them into highest self. 


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