
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

क्या दुख है समुंदर तो बता भी नहीं सकता 
अंजानो से लगते हो, तो ये दिल लगा भी नहीं सकता 

डूबती है कश्ती जब डूब जानी होती है 
पानी अन्दर हो या बाहर कोई बचा नहीं सकता 

तू नहीं है यहाँ तो ख़ता इस में तेरी क्या 
हर शख़्स मेरा साथ निभा भी नहीं सकता

तेरी हर एक बात को किताब की तरह पढ़ा है 
एक भी पन्ने को किसी तरह भुलाया जा नहीं सकता

वैसे तो तेरी आँखें बहा कर ले जाए मुझे 
ऐसे तो कोई तूफ़ान मुझे हिला भी नहीं सकता 


Thursday, January 25, 2024

As time goes by,

You will loosen your grip on that rock,

The one you always thought was your home.

As times goes by,

You will learn to see yourself more clearly,

You are everything you needed to be.

As time goes by,

You will remember that simple things were big

And you will allow the big things to become simple.

As time goes by,

You will remember the moments when your life flashes past

The long chats, those hugs and even those tears were nothing but joy.

As time goes by,

Let it all happen ! 


Monday, January 22, 2024

You're afraid of making bad choices but the truth is this: the tiniest actions will influence the course of the rest of your life and you cannot control it. 

So many factors play a part in you being here today: a prompt no, a thoughtful yes, a delayed decision, procrastination by choice, any response, no reaction, no efforts at the right time, a delayed booking, the time your body wakes you up and every thought that crosses your mind. 

There is an order in this chaos. Sensitivity. Mathematics. Whatever you want to call it.

And every choice you have ever made has led you to right this moment. 

While you exist, every movement and moment matters; those bad choices led you to the best days of your life, if you were to play it all in rewind. So let them go. 

Change will come, even if you're standing still.

Butterflies will keep flapping their wings and causing hurricanes. So, make your choices and make them loud.

Trust your gut. Trust energy. 

And if you ceased to exist, the universe would notice. The mess that would make. The hearts that would break. 

So just stay. Stay for bad choices. Stay for great ones. Stay. 

Let it be. Let it build. Let it fall apart. 


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

There is a sacredness in tears

They are not a sign of weakness

They are powerful feelings

They speak so truthfully 

They carry words worth of thousand tongues

They are messengers of overwhelming grief

They are the symbol of unspeakable love

They are the purest emotions of happiness, sadness, longing and loneliness !

Trust them ! 

Little things

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Little things I miss in Jan

Deepest affection for intellectual conversations

Sweetest cravings to just sit and talk 

About love, about life, about anything, about everything

For us to have all the time in the world to look into eyes

To sit together and discuss the moon 

Moments that last with lifetime worth of memories 

Bound by no obligations, barred by no limitations

To express without regret, to fear no consequences

Share life for hours and discovering our true self