
Sunday, October 29, 2023

किसी के लिए जीवन जादू है 

किसी के लिए अजूबा है 

रात चाहे जैसी भी हो 

चाँद ख़ामोशी में डूबा है  

इंतज़ार चाहे जितना लम्बा हो 

वो पलआएगा ही जो तुमने सोचा है

समय चाहे जैसी भी हो 

सबको भाग्य ने बदला है  

क़िस्मत चाहे जैसी भी हो 

अपनी दोस्ती पे मुझे  हमेशा नाज़ है 

Melted wax

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

No control on destiny so sometimes just chill…

Go with the flow or sometimes stand still !

It’s okay to fall it’s okay to fail but learn…

There might be a reason for every heartburn !

Sometimes people make efforts to stay sometimes walk away …

Sometimes our fault sometimes circumstances play !

Can’t live by letting go of what’s gone ..

Can’t block memories by blocking on phone !

Love is bigger than setbacks…

Light is important than melted wax!


Sunday, October 22, 2023

I dream of a perceived reality,

Standing on the edge of an abyss,

Waiting, hoping, and dreaming,

But only for the energy of true love's kiss.

Happiness will enter,

And happiness leaves, 

Life is a journey,

But wears the heart on its sleeves

We must have met here for some reasons,

To call back all our pieces and to learn lessons,

Separation could be just an illusion

But deadly enough to stir a confusion. 


Saturday, October 21, 2023

बेपनाह चाहना क्या है ?

इतना की वो सोच भी न सके,

इतना कि तुमने भी कभी सोचा न हो,

इतनी खुशियां जो आँखों मैं झलके ,

इतना क़ीमती की जैसे उस लम्हे को रोक ले ज़िन्दगी भर के लिए 

इतना कि कभी कभी गुरूर हो,

इतनी शिद्दत की हमारी दोस्ती कभी मजबूर न हो ,

इतना की कोई उतर नहीं सकता गहराईयों में इस तरह ,

इतना कि मेरी हर बात का एहसास हो तुझे किस तरह ,

इतना कि वो तुमसे कुछ छिपा न सके,

इतना कि मैं कुछ छिपा न सकूं 

इतना कि वो जब तक रहे खुद में महसुस करें,

इतना कि जब वो अलग हो ज़िदगी भर याद करें !!!

Shiva Shakti

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The divine power of Shiva-Shakti corresponds to two essential aspects of the One:
the masculine and the feminine. 

In the universe, we have matter and consciousness:
Shakti and Shiva. 

SHIVA symbolises consciousness, the masculine principle.
SHAKTI symbolises the feminine principle, the activating power and energy.

When Shiva’s beloved Sati immolated herself, Shiva in grief turned inward and meditated for thousands of years. Completely absorbed in his head, he did not contribute to the cycle of change. The world was stuck. With no dissolution or end, there was no beginning.

Without Shiva bringing everything to a state of dissolution, Brahma could not create—ideas could not be born, creativity and imagination were blocked. Brahma went to the great feminine force, Shakti, for help. Shakti told Brahma she would be born in a human female form to bring Shiva back into the world

The mind-body-spirit connection:

Shiva represents thoughts that originates at sahasrara, and with thought, “we can create, destroy, learn, and grow.” Shiva is an all-pervading essence; an ultimate form of consciousness that is both the creator and destroyer.

Shakti represent willpower (इच्छाशक्ति), Knowledge Power (ज्ञानशक्ति) and Action Power (क्रियाशक्ति) which is responsible for creating a balance.

Like our ever-changing thoughts, Shiva comes in many forms. Just as our thoughts are both creative and destructive. Thoughts in different forms are single petals on the ever-blooming lotus. They help us to understand our true nature as part of a single consciousness. 

Shiva has no capability to do anything until Shakti gets united with Shiva

When we recognize (Shiva and Shakti within us) Mind-body-spirit is one. 


Sunday, October 15, 2023


There is a clear distinction between power and control. We can have the power of internal control but we have no external control over other people or situations. 

Every soul has its own unique path. No matter what!

Soul has a path and we possess the internal power to control it but we need to surrender to the illusion that we can externally control another soul.

From time to time the ego will rise up and demand the things to be done in a certain way. Then its time to surrender again...

Willing to accept that things were supposed to happen the way they did ...weather or not we can understand why! 

We can ache all what we want over the intricate details, fighting against the devastation it caused but battling with reality is always a loosing game.

The hope and wish is the mere attachment to how things should have happened which causes disappointments.

Surrender is to accept what is right now! 

Soul Needs

Saturday, October 7, 2023


A shared understanding, a spiritual wealth.
A common attraction, an ego death.
A sense of purpose, a profound lesson.
A desire for growth, a journey in true essence.

A Spiritual power as a divine gift.
A true understanding with no space to rift.
A connection to something bigger than the self.
A bond so deep so pure that thrives with no help.

A love that uplifts, a love that can shift.
A love that brings peace, joy, and bliss.
A love that is eternal, a love that persists.
A love that transcends,a love that has no ends.

My spirit

Its true we’ve been through some hard stuff

Testing not just the connection but us

The pain that feels like ripping the heart.

The times when life tore us apart

Those are the times, when it was tough to see 

If the dust clears and If I see you beside me,

That I will once again be reminded of so much,

About myself, about you..and maybe about us.

My heart has failed to discern,

But I’m grateful that you’re my person,

Who both calms me and stirs my spirit,

For in your arms, I am always home.