
Thursday, August 24, 2023


I hope you are doing well

Since we don't meet halfway on the only open road we had 

All I do is to wait for you to show up and not be mad

I wish I knew the reason why we stopped the communication

But seems like you don't care about my mind going in different direction 

Just remember I will always hold onto your love forever

And you will find me if you look for me a little harder

There is a pain that comes from the hole in my soul with you being gone

Its unexplainable, undeniable and so hard to be shown 

You have taught me to not feel lost, loose grip or go down

So keep me in your heart even when I am not around

Each and every moment with you is a story and a message 

You remember, how we came out stronger after the damage ?

Love and Light 


Sunday, August 20, 2023

Maybe we should have made more memories

Maybe we could have asked the time to freeze 

Maybe we should have savored the time we shared 

Maybe we could have also shown how much we cared 

Maybe we should have understood each other better in every way 

Maybe we could have said things that we were afraid to say 

Maybe we should have had more conversations 

Maybe we could have talked about our frustrations

"Maybe" is an illusion that never happened because of limitations 

After all "Maybe" is just a maybe… just a temptation. 


Saturday, August 19, 2023

One day when you cant find me near

say my name to call me here 

I will try my best to calm your dismay 

Moving mountains from our way 

One day when I am a glowing star

do not think of me as far 

I will seek joy with you in every day 

Wanting to be with you all the way 

One day when the time is gone

do not think of yourself as alone

I will wish for another life with you to slay 

Loving you will be same, just like today 


A soul can be tired but still wait  

A mind can be dark but still dream

A heart can be broken but still be in love

A body can be in pain but still fight 

A life can have wounds but still be beautiful

A friendship can be unexpected but still be the best 

A faith can be a battle but still be the answer 

A hope can be a struggle but still be the best choice

A love can be a heartache but still be the shelter 


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

As july wrapped up and the year got older

Autumn days will shorten and grow colder

The leaves will shake from the trees and colors will get bolder

Life perhaps will go on...

Fall will then lead the year towards the ending

Quieter days, dark evenings and warm sweater things  

Christmas will come and then the snow that winter brings

Life perhaps will go on ..

Winter will pass and days will lengthen into a brand new year

The ice will melt in the pasture pond and spring will be here 

Sights, sounds and smell will change but not the story, my dear

Life perhaps will go on...


Monday, August 7, 2023

Time is neither a friend nor the foe

It does not wait for anywho

Moving so slowly while I wait and shed a tear

It swiftly took over my heart with hope and fear

Thinking of how short it felt when it was all fun

It seems so long now in the absence of my favorite one

Love keeps the circle of time - going and flowing

Things that matter in life - it sure has a way of showing.

Big Little Things

Thursday, August 3, 2023

 I want to be ...

The first thought of the day

The last memory of the night

The depth in the gaze

The touch that stays

The flutter of the heart

The meeting after staying apart

The long drive on unknown road

The short walk on the known path

The random call to talk about season

The pure laugh for no reason

The electrifying kiss that has a story of its own

The memory of favorite cologne 

The healing hug that lasts awhile 

The dream that brings the smile

The everything you need

The everything we got !!