
Thursday, July 27, 2023

All our hugs were special 
one of a kind 
I felt you as my friend and my home 
all at the same time

Sometimes quick and sometimes embarrassed.
Sometimes tight and sometimes close.
Full and comforting
Standing on my tippy toes

I’m not sure what you gave me.
Those hugs were a gift 
Wrapped in your heartbeats 
For me forever to keep 


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Happy personality and sad soul

Bold for everyone, shy with you 

Heartless in all feels, loving you hard

Solitude Being, craving you much

Hurting in hell, working to heal 

Open to change, loyal to you

Dedicated to growth, self sabotage too well

Looking for peace, okay with chaos

Letting go of everything, clinging onto you

In search of balance, Holding you forever !!


Saturday, July 22, 2023

Its not your fault I take you seriously 

Its not your fault I believe every word you say 

Its not your fault I am this way.

Its not my fault I liked my glow 

Its not my fault that I wanted to be the flow

Its not my fault, now I don't know where I am going to go

We just ended up in a delicate situation 

Coz we were just recognising our soul connection.

It cant be just life teaching a lesson

Love is nothing but sharing life with your person !


Thursday, July 20, 2023

I wonder about you every day 

Never see you coming my way 

But leaving you behind

Is something I can't begin to find

So I think about you all the time

And I wonder if you think of me that ways

Unexplained, unrelenting game my mind plays

All the smiles , stories and our inside jokes

So I wonder if you remember the last words we spoke.

I don't know what to call it 

The thing inside, the fire within

That desire to find myself again where it all begin

I ll hold on to it for rest of my days 

Going through this life in most interesting ways 


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

 जब भी शब्दों को लिखती हु मैं 

यूँ लगता है जैसे तुम सामने हो मेरे 

हर एक शब्द के मायने 

तुम तक सिमित हो गए हो जैसे 

फिर जब भी उन शब्दों को पढ़ती हूँ  मैं 

यूँ लगता है जैसे सब कुछ केह दिया हो मैंने 

हर एक शब्द में 

कोई कहानी बसी हो जैसे 

जब भी सोचती हूँ उन शब्दों मे क्या है 

यूँ लगता है जैसे ख़ास सी उलझने  है मेरी 

हर एक शब्द ने 

सुलझा रखा हो सबकुछ जैसे 

Everytime when !

Friday, July 14, 2023

When there is no us in love

When there is no friend in pain 

When there is no laughter in tears

When there is no depth in words

When my heart cries while beating

When all that remains is breathing

When time just goes by in waiting

When all I do is searching

When all the thoughts lead only to you 

When the journey is this alone

When its hard to come to terms 

I miss us!


Friday, July 7, 2023

When you wake up tomorrow
And my thoughts take your somewhere far away 
Know that I think of you too 
In every possible way

The bond we shared was real
And all that was in your heart
Know that I see the way we struggle
I know how hard is to stay apart 

I wish that we can be close
And ease the pain we feel
Know that I have so much to talk to you 
I pray that we heal


Thursday, July 6, 2023

 I had a rosebush in my yard

Poor thing was falling apart 

I felt sad looking at its state

Uprooting it could have been its only fate

It was a part of my life and I let it be

Life got me in stride and I could not see

It may have been waiting for me to set it free 

It was just a matter of time and all my fault maybe

One day I went to check on it for some reason

It was gone just like it was suppose to happen 

Dead and lifeless, unbothered and unloved

It crumbled and withered, without a sound, into the mud 

I didn't cry for letting it go that night  

I think it deserved a better life, right ?

I cry for all the memories we made 

All the "forevers" and "I am here for you" we shared

Unfinished Business

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

There is no beauty in unfinished things

A story , relationship or any cravings

They bring a feeling of dissatisfaction

A lull, a disappointment or even depression

Multiple versions of ending exists

With a long list of all "What ifs"

Tons of things to blame upon 

Communication, timing, situation and so on 

Heart keeps questioning and looking for answers 

Settling, accepting and closing must have some powers 

Why complicate when we can keep it simple stupid

Not everyone is ready for all the bullshit