Secret Wish

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Secretly wishing you wake me up one day 

and I ll forget the pain

I ll look into your eyes and things will be same

Secretly wishing you ll make me laugh one day 

and my tears go away

I ll vibe with your mood and hearts will play 

Secretly wishing you will ask me out one day 

and I ll dress my best 

I ll look pretty and your eyes can do the rest 

Secretly wishing you hug me one day 

and all my doubts will melt 

I ll promise to hold your heart and you ll remember how it felt


Thursday, June 22, 2023

I will always wonder 

Every time I look at moon 

Were we destined to meet ?

or was it just sweet luck ?

how our memories have left me awestruck !

I will always wonder

Every time I look at moon 

Were we just temporary ?

or was it suppose to last ?

how our  promises have my heart beat so fast !

I will always wonder

Every time I look at moon 

how much have we changed ?

or was it time to loose the grip now ? 

how fondly I keep thinking of you somehow !

I will always wonder

Every time I look at moon 

Will I be able to tell you ever how my day went ?

Or Is there something you wish I knew ?

how patiently I believe I am very close to you ...

I will always wonder

Every time I look at moon

Does love make you empty ?

Or it can make you whole?

How blissful is this feeling that are part of my soul....


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

I just wanted you to know 

That I ll never care

How far you push me away

Because when I told you 

That I would stay 

I meant it in every way 

 I just wanted you to know 

We are lost 

We are damaged 

But I hope, we hold on to a fond illusion 

Till our belief harmonize 

And we alleviate this pain

I just wanted you to know 

In all my brokenness

I will always look for you 

Cherishing those memories 

To feel you with me too.


Thursday, June 15, 2023

दुनिया बदल जाती है किसी ऐसे पल के बाद 

वो छोटी सी बात दे जाती है ज़िंदगी भर की याद 

जो वक़्त गुज़र गया जैसे एक ख्वाब था 

साथ एक पल का था मगर लाजवाब था 

भूलने की उन पलो की कोशिश रहेगी नकामायब

सोचना ये है के की जीना है किस उम्मीद के साथ 

सूखते नहीं है हंजू , बस सोचती हु की सभ्र कहाँ से लाऊँ 

हलचल होती है जैसे, लगता है कहीं दूर भाग जाऊ 


Monday, June 12, 2023

Sometimes against all odds and all logic, I hope.

I hope that it is going to be okay.

I will get my smile back and all sorrows will melt away 

Thinking about what I was brings me joy.

I was love, I was laughter and I was born to fly

Grateful for that feeling of home, longing and craving, every single day.

The life unfolds in its own ways 

No control when destiny plays

Walking through peaks and valleys

I am certain, you will find me from far far away 

My love and devotion will never change even if the world falls apart 

Its pure and clean and you must know

Even though I may nor show

Sometimes against all odds and all logic, I know 

I know, it is all going to be okay.