Forgive Not Forget

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Forgive Not Forget 

Like gratitude, forgiveness is a powerful tool for increasing positive emotion about the past. 

The bitterness that we feel toward because of a person or circumstances or felt being taken advantage of compromise our ability to lead the good life. This emotion not only spoils the present but also creates more negativity, anger and mistrust.

When someone hurts or betrays us, the natural reaction is to respond negatively to either avoid the other person or seek revenge. This leads to unhappiness. 

What forgiveness can do ?

Through forgiveness, we can transform feelings of anger and bitterness into feelings of neutrality or even, for some, into positive emotions. 

Forgiveness undoes our own hatred or bitterness and frees us from a troubled past. It is not a reconciliation.

It does not mean forgetting the pain.

Forgiveness can be difficult, but it is a gift that you give yourself in that it allows you the freedom to live your life without the intrusion of the bitterness, anger, and/or humiliation you feel whenever you recall the hurtful person or event. 

We always hope to be forgiven but if we have the power to forgive, genuinely, honestly and truly- it will save the tears and heartbreaks.


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