Forgive Not Forget

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Forgive Not Forget 

Like gratitude, forgiveness is a powerful tool for increasing positive emotion about the past. 

The bitterness that we feel toward because of a person or circumstances or felt being taken advantage of compromise our ability to lead the good life. This emotion not only spoils the present but also creates more negativity, anger and mistrust.

When someone hurts or betrays us, the natural reaction is to respond negatively to either avoid the other person or seek revenge. This leads to unhappiness. 

What forgiveness can do ?

Through forgiveness, we can transform feelings of anger and bitterness into feelings of neutrality or even, for some, into positive emotions. 

Forgiveness undoes our own hatred or bitterness and frees us from a troubled past. It is not a reconciliation.

It does not mean forgetting the pain.

Forgiveness can be difficult, but it is a gift that you give yourself in that it allows you the freedom to live your life without the intrusion of the bitterness, anger, and/or humiliation you feel whenever you recall the hurtful person or event. 

We always hope to be forgiven but if we have the power to forgive, genuinely, honestly and truly- it will save the tears and heartbreaks.

Live by the sun, Love by the moon.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Have you ever thought ?

Moon is the only thing that can shorten the distance between 2 people. 

May be because they are looking at the same thing from same distance?

May be because they think that its shiny brightness has the power to take away the darkness between them ? 

May be because they will believe in the changes they are going through is beautiful ?

May be because they can learn from it that nobody is perfect and flaws are gorgeous ?

May be because it tells them life is a full circle and its worth to wait for a full life ?

Astrologically, moon represents your emotional side, your feelings, intuition and memories and just imagine what are we without those?

Moon has the power that can bring joy and fulfillment even from so far away.

But remember moon has the power, but how those 2 tap into that depends on what they think. believe, learn and understand about each other.

Festivities be like

Life is like a circle 

IMHO, Life always comes in a complete circle which also really means that it never stops. The circle of life will always bring you to the starting point just to make you understand how far you have come along - what have you gained and what have you lost. So it is very important to recognize how it all started, appreciate the battles you fought and celebrate the victories you earned. And trust me , LIFE will give you a moment to embrace that.  And that moment should be about celebrations and festivities ! 

To honor the life you live and to be given an opportunity to replenish your energies - is a big celebration in itself.  And the little moments called 'festivals' has a way about resetting the “physical” circle and giving a chance to ‘practice old’ or ‘rebuild new’ traditions that sometimes take you back to where it all started. This meant making some goodies that my mom makes and letting my boys see me raising the Diwali spirits to the next level. See .. where I am going with this :)

This Diwali was special in some ways - let’s say I completed a circle and started a new one :)

And to top it all - love the dress up part ! After all ..tangy notes is a bit about tangy fashion too !!





Fall is the best color among all !!

Year by year, the charm of fall colors grows on me and with each year, I can’t seem to get enough of these beautiful fall colors. But I would blame that on the dicey predictions and Mother Nature ( and also to the poor planning on my side)

But, they say that the beauty is in the eyes of beholder so the fire colors that autumn brings on each tree is unique and beautiful in its own way. That is the reason why the joy of fall season is also very unique in its own way. And sometimes those good vibes come in different ways.  This happened to me when I noticed something cute on one of my walks, which brought a heart melting smile.

Just like how each tree has to go through its own lifecycle and sustain all external factors just to bring out the best version of itself is an important life lesson that nature teaches us. Most times we cant control things around us, but how we stand tall and prepare ourselves for the new life while remaining graceful is all what life is about. This is how I relate to this beautiful short season and its amazing,

I trust in nature for the stable laws of beauty and utility. Spring shall plant and autumn garner to the end of time.- ROBERT BROWNING

Besides that thought, this thread will always be one my favorite because it shines the brightest with all the beautiful colors of - red, yellow, orange, maroon, brown, scarlet and burgundy. (No I am not talking about the colors of my outfits .. but maybe I am 🤓)

May this chase never ends and grows by states and countries every year 

2018: SVNP, Va

2019 : Massanuten Va & Boston Ma

2020 : somewhere 

One more ...

And one more..