Do more of what makes you happy !!❤️

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

But first, what is happiness ?

IMHO, happiness is a choice that we make everyday. So it’s a matter of what you experience and the emotions you go through in that fleeting moment -  that defines your happiness. 

The source of happiness could be a person, place, thing or a feel good sensation in any of our senses (what we see, hear, smell, feel and taste). In most cases they are just the medium of how we felt in a moment and which probably would have left a beautiful memory and we called us being happy! You can say that the aftermath is also a pleasant emotional state which is full of contentment, gratification and pure joy. Just how these words bring a wave of positivity in our mind, happiness is simply a mindset.

Still the question remains what makes me happy ! The more I think about it, clearer it gets to sort things in the right way and come to terms of what really really makes me happy. 

True happiness to me - is enjoying your own company and living in peace and harmony with your body, mind and soul. For being truly happy you neither need other people nor materialistic things. And it brings other dimensions to you such as being confident, brave, vulnerable and honest. 

But truly, Happiness is always a result of personal effort. Sometimes you may have to work hard for it and fight for it. Sometimes you have to talk to yourself and insist upon it and even manifest it. So once those hard earned rewards are found we may have to put in effort to sustain that. Just like if loosing weight made you happy, you need to work hard to maintain it, if getting a promotion made you happy, you need to work hard to excel in it, if being in a relationship made you happy, you need to work hard for it to bloom - be it your kids, partner or friends.


And when you don't know what makes you happy - just TRAVEL :)

The devotion that comes from the heart in the process of finding your reasons of true happiness and enjoying the consequences is a brilliant experience in itself so that’s why YOU must make that mighty effort and DO MORE OF WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY.

Once you’ve found them, then all you need is to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever and enjoy every moment with a spiritual enlightenment. 

But something will go wrong all the time🤦‍♀️, at that time the important thing is to standup to your choices and not repent a single thing ❤️



Bhoomika said...

Soo true & just stay happy like this always🙂🤗

Anonymous said...

Love this.. stay happy today and always :)

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