Mind is a Miracle

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


Mind is a miracle. 

It has the capacity to think an ocean. When you use your mind to do its job consciously, the results are beautiful. But when mind has a mind of its own - it creates a havoc. 

This imbalance of involuntary with voluntary thoughts lead to situations that prevents you from being your best. Anybody with this imbalance doesn’t know how to be happy in a happy situation, which is a trauma. And this is just a tip of an iceberg. 



Imagine being fearful about happiness. 

Imagine being not able to live the present. 

Imagine being constantly in a war in your head that no one knows about. 

Imagine pretending to be a “normal” person but constantly thinking about your flaws and mistakes.

Imagine feeling anxious about a totally made-up situation. 

Imagine having difficulty in expressing important feelings. 

Imagine having a fear of losing what you have, constantly.

Imagine being always impatient all the time and also choosing procrastination over agility.

Imagine being stressed…all the time.


Such a mental condition is a result of the environment and influences that you received while growing up. But it can get stronger or weaker based on more life experiences and relationships, psychological growth, coping mechanism, and more influences.


What can you do…?

·       Recognize and be aware. Do not avoid.

·       Appreciate what you're grateful for in your life.

·       Acceptance and forgiveness for everything.

·       Find ways to keep a lighter side about tough situations.

·       Don’t be too hard on yourself.


It’s important to recognize this incapability in your loved ones. Notice it. Let them not fight alone. It may be hard for them to ask for help.


All they may need is a little kindness in action.